
Time Is Yours To Spend How You Like!

Man holding a clock displaying the time

Does this sound familiar, when people ask you about how you spend your time?

“You’ve been playing games all day, get off and get outside.”
“Are you not going out tonight? Just going to read that book?”
“C’mon nobody wants to spend their time inside like that!”

You may notice a theme here, introvertedness!

If you have introverted tendencies you’ll know these quotes like the back of your hand. You’re in the minority for how you would like to spend your time. A nightclub, vibing on a Friday night with a bathroom that has a drenched floor isn’t exactly, your cup of tea. But for some reason you’re now being ridiculed and shamed for not wanting to go.

We all spend our time differently. But none of us should be made to feel like we are spending that it in an ‘inferior’ way. How you use your evening hours on a Friday are completely up to you, and that’s the beauty of it!

While occasionaly the criticism you will receive about how you spend your time can be hostile, alot of the time it just comes down to poor communication. The other side not really understanding, and it could all be solved with a simple conversation. Obviously as introverted tendencies go, a private conversation about yourself is easier said than done!

Is There A Solution?

But one of the simplest solutions to people maybe not understanding why you spend your free-time doing, what you do is to prepare a simple answer that explains it. What do you gain from that time? How would you feel if you didn’t have that time? It’s very easy as someone who is introverted to think everyone else thinks the same way you do, and in turn should understand why you need that space for yourself. A simple explanation can go a long way!


At the end of the day no one else can tell you what to do with your time, that’s is the beauty of freedom. But ensure while you spend time in ways that let’s you recharge to tackle the next day, that you don’t go too far in a different direction. While it may not be a comfortable situation, you still need to perform basic tasks and self-care. Exercising, having a balanced diet, maintaining social relationships, getting some sun at least once a day, these are all things you can do to not only enjoy YOUR time more but to make sure you lead a balanced life too.

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