
Targeting psychosocial recovery through diverse disability services.

Recovery Plus Support: Empowering Lives with Premium Mental Health Services

At Recovery Plus Support, we’re not just your guide but your disability partners and a support system you can count on every time.

We are Recovery Plus Support, a team helping all NDIS participants across Australia overcome challenges, exercise their choice, and control and get started on the road to recovery. We empower all NDIS participants living with psychosocial disabilities to reclaim their lives and embark on a truly meaningful recovery journey. Our flagship program, the Recovery Coaching Plus Structured Program, is your key to unlocking lasting change and securing a life of positivity and growth for yourself. As an NDIS participant, you might have varied goals and expectations; we deliver to them all with our comprehensive support programs.


The Program is Built on the Following Pillars


Participants needs and goals are placed at the centre of their recovery journey.


Recognizes that every participant’s recovery is unique and involves working collaboratively with you and their care team.

Facilitates hope and self-efficacy

The tools and strategies they will develop with participants to identify their strengths and to envision a hopeful future and believe in their ability to change.

Strength focused

The programme empowers participants to draw on their uniqueness and strengths to develop strategies to overcome challenges and realise their recovery goals.


It acknowledges the right of participants to make their own decisions based on their values and preferences.

Skills Development

The programme will equip participants with evidence-based strategies to steer their recovery journey.

Why Choose Recovery Coaching Plus?

Our program offers a personalized roadmap to recovery, blending cutting-edge research with evidence-based practices, ensuring tailored guidance for your unique needs and NDIS goals.

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    Dr. Virginia Farnsworth-Grodd's Pioneering Expertise

    Developed by the esteemed psychologist Dr. Virginia, our program blends cutting-edge research with evidence-based practices, ensuring the highest calibre of support.

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    Personalised Roadmap to Recovery

    No two journeys are alike, so we tailor our program to meet your unique needs and NDIS goals. With 40+ personalised sessions per year, we help build capacity and empower you to take control of your recovery journey.

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    Every Step of the Way

    Our support goes beyond mere coaching; we offer active assistance and guidance at each step of your journey. We will be your support system and help you develop a growth mindset.

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    Structured Framework

    We bring to the picture a well-defined roadmap for your recovery, featuring expert coordination of resources and services to meet your every need.

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    Cutting-edge Technology

    Our secure online platform, mycareteam.online, keeps you empowered and informed. It facilitates progress tracking, offers evaluation support, and allows seamless NDIS compliance reporting.

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    Expert Guidance, Every Step of the Way

    Our multidisciplinary team of Recovery Coaches, trained by Dr. Farnsworth-Grood, provide unwavering support and guidance throughout your NDIS journey.

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    Dedicated Duty Coordinator

    We ensure you never feel alone. Your assigned duty coordinator handles all your compliance and reporting needs, keeping you on track and worry-free.

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    Flexibility and Convenience Guaranteed

    Choose between face-to-face sessions or Telehealth for ultimate comfort and accessibility. Whichever mode you choose, we ensure an effective delivery of our sessions and programs.

6 Reasons Why Psychosocial Recovery Coaching Plus program?

  • The Recovery Plus Support program is based on recovery-oriented care. This approach aims to help participants to become resilient and live a fulfilling and meaningful life, despite mental health challenges, by focusing on individual strengths and aspirations.
  • Recovery-oriented care empower participants to take an active role in their recovery by equipping them with skills and strategies to take independent decisions and to set and realise meaningful goals.
  • The program recognises that recovery is a personal process as each participant’s journey is different.
  • The program foster self-determination, embedding the ability with participants to take independent life decisions based on their values, needs and preferences, i.e., decision related to medical treatment, education, employment and social relationships.
  • Through promotion of self-determination, recovery-oriented care seeks to empower individuals to be active participants in their own care.
  • Psychosocial disability recovery is not just about reducing or eliminating symptoms, it is about having purpose, hope, and connectedness in life, working together to achieve life goals.

Benefits You Can Feel: The Recovery Plus Difference

Reclaim Your Independence

Reclaim Your Independence

With our team, develop the skills and confidence to effectively manage your day-to-day life.

Achieve Your NDIS Goals

Achieve Your NDIS Goals

For us, each step counts. With us, celebrate milestones as you work towards your aspirations.

Find Meaning and Purpose

Find Meaning and Purpose

Rediscover your joy and what truly matters to you and find your way to an active and happy life.

Experience Lasting Recovery

Experience Lasting Recovery

An all-round approach which promotes sustained well-being and empowers you to take control.

Promote Mental Well-Being

Promote Mental Well-Being

Develop a positive outlook towards life and the courage to face everyday challenges head-on.

Ready to Step Up and Claim Your Journey?

Your NDIS journey should be about more than care and comfort; it should be about achieving your full potential and leading an empowering life. Contact Recovery Plus Support today to speak to our intake team and unlock the door to lasting recovery and continuous growth. Let’s embark on this transformative journey together and watch your potential soar. Whatever your aspirations and expectations regarding your NDIS journey might be, with us, bring them to life while optimising your NDIS plan.

Core Process: How We Connect and Deliver


Initial Contact

If you are searching for an NDIS provider that has brought you here, call us at 1800 512 281 or write us at referral@recoveryplussupport.com.au to contact our team.


Participant Assessment

Once you contact us, our team will sit down with you to understand your requirements and develop a plan that best aligns with your needs and goals.


Program Overview

We will take you through our offerings and guide you on how we can help you make the best out of your NDIS plan and journey.


Official Agreement

If you are satisfied with our offerings and approach and choose us as your NDIS provider, we will sign the agreement and start with your NDIS plan.


Plan Development

Next comes creating an essential roadmap for your NDIS journey. We will determine the focus areas, your care needs and your developmental goals and tailor our services accordingly.


Feedback & Review

While we work with a plan, we accommodate your needs and best cater to them. We are open to feedback and work constantly towards improving our processes and services.

Focus Areas: What We Specialise In!

At Recovery Plus Support, we allocate coaches and coordinators based on skill set, ensuring a perfect match between participant needs and coordinator/coach ability & focus areas. The recovery partners assigned to you will be best suited to cater to your unique needs, ensuring your safety, growth and well-being.

arrow Have a quick look at the areas that we specialise in :

Recovery Plus Support specialises in supporting participants with complex mental health diagnoses. If something is troubling you and you require expert help, you can share it with us, and we will guide you in the right direction. We are equipped to help you navigate crisis situations and will provide the relevant linkages to support agencies that can best assist you. As your support provider, we will continuously monitor progress and adapt our service delivery based on your needs.

Our early childhood coordination is designed to assist families in accessing appropriate supports to address developmental delays in children between 3-9 years. We believe that with the proper support at an early age, children can overcome any significant trauma and stop it from defining themselves and the course of their lives. We understand that early childhood years can determine the course of one’s life, and therefore, we only apply proven methodologies and offer appropriate and effective care and support.

The transition to re-entering society following any sentencing involving incarceration and getting back to a life of freedom and choice can be both empowering and challenging. For people living with disabilities or a psychosocial disability, this can be especially challenging. At Recovery Plus Support, our team is qualified and equipped to help you navigate this significant life change and ensure a smooth transition. By implementing relevant support and offering comprehensive assistance, we will help the participants entering or exiting any mainstream or forensic detention facility better cope with the changes that await them.

Recovery Plus Support is equipped to support participants with high physical needs along with any comorbid mental health barriers. With us, you will partner with professionals fully qualified to offer the required coordination and coaching at each stage. If you are marking your transition from hospital or hospice care, our staff will be there to provide comprehensive support and help the participants and their families navigate and mitigate any additional stress or anxiety.

Recovery Plus support has successfully supported participants in accessing and securing desired tenancy and accommodation support. NDIS doesn’t fund mainstream housing, but our staff can provide meaningful linkages to providers specialising in affordable housing to break down the barriers to accessing stable housing. Whatever your accommodation or tenancy requirement, we will help you meet the desired ends and secure a safe, comfortable and efficient housing situation.

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