4 Ways People With Mental Illness Struggle When Looking For Jobs

Mental illness can be a debilitating experience. It’s not just the person who is living with the illness that suffers, but also that person’s friends and family. Unfortunately, mental illness often carries an extra stigma in society. People with mental illnesses are often assumed to be less capable or competent than those without mental health issues. This bias can lead to difficulty finding work, especially if you have a psychiatric diagnosis. Here are four ways people with mental illness struggle when looking for jobs.


Mental illness can make it difficult to find a job for a number of reasons. One reason is that people with mental illness may struggle with anxiety. This may make it hard to focus on the task at hand and may cause them to become overwhelmed or stressed easily during an interview

Here are five tips to help cope with anxiety during an interview:

  • Prepare as much as possible beforehand. This can help reduce stress and anxiety.
  • Practice breathing exercises beforehand. This can help you stay calm during the interview.
  • Bring a supportive friend or family member with you to the interview if you are able. This can help reduce anxiety and provide moral support.
  • Focus on the positive aspects of the experience. This can help you stay calm and focused during the interview.
  • Seek professional help if necessary. If your anxiety is severe.


Despite the fact that mental illness is a very real and serious issue, people with mental illness often face discrimination when looking for jobs. This is primarily because many people still view mental illness as a personal failing or weakness, instead of a legitimate medical condition. As a result, people with mental illness can often be passed over for jobs or maybe offered fewer opportunities.

If you feel you or someone you know has been discriminated against in the workplace for mental illness or anything else, be sure to reach out to Fair Work as soon as you can on – 13 13 94.


People with mental illness often experience more stress in the workplace. This can be due to the fact that they are already dealing with a lot of stress at home, and adding work-related stress on top of that can be too much. Additionally, people with mental illness may feel like they are not good enough or that they are not doing their job well enough. This can lead to a lot of anxiety and stress, which can make it difficult to focus on work.

When it comes to the workplace, stress is inevitable. But for people with mental illness, it can be difficult to manage that stress in a healthy way.

Take breaks often and step away from your workstation. Whether you take a quick walk around the block, meditate for a few minutes, or simply close your eyes and take some deep breaths, taking breaks can help you to clear your head and cope with any stress you may be feeling.

Communicate openly with your coworkers and managers about any mental health issues that are affecting your work performance. This will help them understand where you’re stressed and how best to help you.

Have You Got Enough Leave?

Often times one of the most stressful things those with mental illness face when deciding what jobs they can take is how much leave they may or may not get.

Mental health is a complicated thing that comes and goes at the drop of a hat. Having access to regular Mental Health leave and Sick leave is important. Mental health days are important for people with mental illness because it gives them a break from the stress of work. It also allows them to focus on their mental health and potentially get treatment. Without mental health days, people with mental illness can become burned out and may not be able to do their job effectively.

Mental illness is a real and serious issue, but it should not preclude someone from having the opportunity to work. There are many people out there who are more than capable of doing great things, despite their mental illness. We shouldn’t discount someone’s ability based on something they cannot help. Let’s work together to break down the barriers that prevent those with mental illness from working and achieving their goals.

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