Blog - Recovery Plus

Friendship: And How To Celebrate It - Recovery Plus

Written by Joshua Appadoo | Jul 30, 2021 12:49:12 AM

Happy International Friendship Day!

There are days for parents, newlyweds, and pets but sometimes those closest to us in the platonic sense can feel a little underappreciated. That is why back in 2011 the UN General Assembly declared the 30th of July, International Friendship Day. A day where friendships are celebrated and valued, but not just between individuals but between countries and cultures as well.

“There are friends, there is family, and then there are friends that become family”

Together with Community Friendship Friends Unite

Friends are the family that we choose throughout life, some may come and go, through falling outs, accidents, or just plain and simple lives diverging different paths. But today is where we, thank and celebrate the friends who never left our sides, and have truly proven to be worthy of our time and love.

So take today to make sure your feelings are made known, how thankful you are for the things your friends do. If you’re maybe not used to or aren’t the biggest fan of emotional words/overcomplicating platonic relationships then small gestures are your best friend! Buy them a coffee, write a simple card or even tell them a super simple “I appreciate you”. It may not seem like much upfront and on the surface but these small kind words can do wonders for someone’s wellbeing and really put a smile on their face. See it as a way you can put a pep in their step for the remainder of the day.