Blog - Recovery Plus

5 Ways You Can RECOVER From Burn Out

Written by Joshua Appadoo | Jan 7, 2022 9:08:13 AM
Shot of a young businessman experiencing stress during a late night at work

One of the themes we have been looking at recently is Burn Out (see here). But as the majority of us will be returning to work and school soon from holidays, let’s see how we can recover. When looking at the best way to make a comeback from burning out, we need to look at self-reflection. Just taking time off to recover from the issue, only to return to the same issue will just have you spinning your wheels! We need to have a look in ourselves to find the cause of these issues (which sometimes is as easy as knowing when it’s time to clock off!).

Start Keeping A Journal!

No need to overcomplicate the first tip on our list this week! Simply as keeping a little pad of paper or notebook by your bed, so you can jot down a couple of things in the mornings or evenings. But if you do want to go that extra mile, keep a larger book handy and just let your brain ‘vomit’ on the page, it will do wonders for your mental clarity.

But in the context of burnout, try writing things down you start to notice cause you anxiety or stress. How did you feel when that customer was rude to you? Did that letter that your rent was overdue stress you out (probably)? But you can kind of see the goal of writing down our feelings. It might seem obvious in your mind that these things cause stress or anxiety, but the act of writing them down is the therapeutic release we all need!

Consider A Mental Health Professional

On some self-help websites or lists, you may see this down the bottom as sort of a last resort. But that is doing absolutely nothing for easing the stigma of people actively working towards a positive mental attitude! If anything this should be stop number one in your journey to recover from your burnout. Not only can they give much better advice due to their experience and knowledge in the field that they have most likely studied for a plethora of years, but it will be tailored to your recovery.

Every situation they help address or stressor they assist you to overcome is specific to you and your situation. They will understand where the root problem lies and how to address the issue. Even if you feel you don’t need professional help it is definitely important to still see someone. You don’t wait until your car is broken to see a mechanic, treat your mind the same way!

Get A Sweat Going!

This is one most of us can implement and as with our first tip today, keep it simple! If going to the gym and knocking out a leg day is your speed that will definitely assist you in helping keep things in balance, but you don’t have to go to that extreme. Something as easy as going for a nice walk in the morning before you start your day can do wonders for your recovery! Something like 20-30min will not only be incredible for your heart health, but it’ll get the blood pumping and the brain churning finding the best way to tackle the day ahead. Maybe even try some basic stretching routines to keep yourself in good health. The best advice, keep it simple and keep it consistent.

Find Those Around You That Can Support You

Starting a support network with those closest to you is something everyone should be doing to help them recover from burn out. Knowing exactly who within your close friend’s group or immediate family is happy and willing to talk you through things and listen to you is so important.

It is also quite important to check with people before you mentally dump anything going on in your life or mind on them. You never know where someone else’s mental state is and also putting your troubles on them could potentially have negative outcomes. So as with anything else in life ask first!

Start Creating A Balance Between Work And Home

Of all of the items on this list, this one will take the most time to build and stick to. Learning when to switch on that work brain to get tasks done can be difficult, but learning when to turn off and go into rest mode is just as, if not harder! But implementing this list into your routine, especially seeing a mental health professional will help you slowly learn to relax and switch off in the evenings.

Picking up a hobby in your off time can help you focus and look forward to something outside of work hours. Try a new sport or physical activity with a friend so that they can help keep you accountable!

At the end of the day, these are all forms of Self Care and all have a place within everyone’s life. Share this around and start implementing them today so that you can recover and have a better tomorrow!